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Click hereCaleb Cast Sheet - So far...
Abraham Broom : A historical character seen in the journals read by Jules
Alan Kelly : Next door neighbour
Amanda Everson : One of the twins
Andrew Garraway : An FBI Agent
Angela? : Amazing ass - part of a couple of friends. The girl Caleb first tests his power on by getting h to pull up her shirt so he can see her ass
Arnold Crebbins : FBI accountant Caleb takes knowledge from to give to Gracie.
Becky Vardy: Young girl mind controlled by her 2 year old brother in the Mall
Bob?: Angela (Amazing ass) boyfriend and friend of Calebs - Hosted Calebs 20th birthday party at his house
Bobby James: Ness's date for the dance
Brenda? : Sue's room mate
Bruce?: Rachels short term boyfriend
Caleb Stott : Caleb is 20 when we first meet him. He's a student at PSU. He's Pansexual and our MC
Callum Fahay : Yasmine's boyfriend
Carys Jones : Kevin - the Dojo owner's Daughter
Cassandra Steele : Josh's Mom
Charles? : Maggies PA - also referred to as Cuthbert
Cheryl Steadman : Jules' Mom
Christina? : 6 year old girl with Brain Tumor
Claire Corrin : Nana Babi's Neice
Clarissa? : Fiona's Mother
Clive Demsey : Gun range part owner
Colin Goode : UK Immigration officer
Constance Miller : Sarah Millar's youngest sisters Granddaugher.
Daisy Cavanaugh : Student Chef and FBI test subject
Dana Reed : Classmate of Calebs in ethics
Daniel (Hoss) Cartwright : Gun range Part Owner
Daniel Drey : FBI Agent running the so called mind reading experiments
Davey Vardy : 2 year power user
Davey Bean : Part of Jermoe Krafts Gang - Donnie Bean's brother
David Spencer : FBI Agent
Dean Steadman : Jules' Dad Has a bit of land and a few cows.
Debs Davies : Police officer Caleb meets in the Mall
Denise Bent : Cleaner - comes in to clean the house.
Dianna Everson : FBI Agent and the twins Grandmother - also the Matriarch of the Everson line.
Donnie Bean : Part of Jermoe Krafts Gang - Davey Bean's brother
Edward Everson : Martha Broom's unrequited love
Eleanor Gonzales : Maria Gonzales younger sister
Elizabeth Stott : Martha Broom's mother.
Emily Bree : Matilda Bree's companion
Ethan Taylor : Caleb's Cousin
Ezra Everson : Leader of the Everson Council
Fiona? : Ness' friend
Frank Howe : Section leader ESP FBI
Garrard Cross : Gerald's father
Gary Bridge : Jonas' Dad
Gary Everson : Diannas husband (RIP)
Gary Vardy : Davey and Becky Vardy's dad
Geoff Briar : Owner of Briars Books
Gerald Cross : FBI Agent and Caleb's 2nd cousin
Gordon AKA George : Sues Boyfriend
Gracie Jordan : FBI Agent Caleb helped to learn accountancy
Gregory Jenkins : FBI Agent
Harold Bleasedale : Power user at Calebs Party
Heath Everson : The Twins' cousin.
Helen? : Jules' friend - artist
Izzy Stevens : Doctor (yes ok I watched grays anatomy)
James Taylor : FBI Power User, and trainer
James? : Gracies Boyfriend
Jamie Smythe : Student Counsellor
Janine Taylor : Caleb's Aunt
Jasper Green : Jules ex boyfriend
Jeevan Patel AKA Maharishi Guptal Pah : Healer trainer
Jerome Kraft : Original owner of the house and drug dealer
Jeremy? : Dean's mechanic
Jerry Prentiss : White supremacist
Jodie Bridge : Jonas' mother
Jonas' Bridge : Boy in tractor
Josh Steele : Caleb's room mate
Judith Frey : Pilot
Jules Steadman : come on really? - its Jules
Keenan Charles : Louises Ex
Kevin Jones : Dojo Owner
Louise Brown : Josh's girlfriend and friend to Caleb
Maggie Forbes : Caleb;s g.g.grandmother and FBI ADD, also Stott line Matriarch
Malcolm Smythe : Jamies Husband
Marcia Grey : Contractor.
Maria Gonzales : Spanish police officer
Marjorie Briar : Owner Briars books
Martha Broom : Creator of the bond.
Mary Everson : The other twin.
Mary Beth Vardy : Becky and Davey Vardy's mother
Matilda Bree : Everson Council member
Meena Patel : Jeevans' wife
Melissa Wragge : Vince Wragge's Daughter
Nana Babi : Keenans' Grandmother
Nathan Stott : Keenan's father
Owen Booth : Hospital rapist power user
Paul Newton : Hypnotist
Rachel Hamilton : the dean's daughter
Rebecca Farguest : Public Defender
Robin Tayor: Janine Taylor's husband
Robson Kraft : Jerome Kraft's brother and member of his gang
Roger Hamilton : Dean of PSU
Rosie?: FBI Receptionist
Sarah Miller : Edward Everson's Love
Steve? : Diannas brother in law
Steve Jenkins : Rachels Babydaddy
Steve Maine : Police officer - Debs police partner.
Steve Steele : Josh's Dad
Sue? : calebs friend
Temperance Everson : Edward Eversons' mother
Terra : Leader of the Steadman dog pack
Tim Pritchard: Caleb's neighbour and Chair of HOA
Vanessa Steadman : Ness?
Vince Wragge : NSA power user served with Dean Steadman in the desert
Yasmin Patel : Jeevan's daughter
Zacharia Eversion : Member of the Everson Council
Zeke Green : Member of Jerome Kraft's gang
Agent Sachs : FBI Agent
Arnie Jarrett : Son of flight school owner.
Charles Jarrett : Flight School owner.
Kyle and Jennifer were the couple he compelled to stop dancing around one another and get together. First seen in chapter 01: Awakening. They disappear for a good chunk of the story (last seen on chapter 9) only to resurface again in chapter 26.
"Nathan Stott : Keenan's father"
I believe this should be Caleb's Dad, and NOT Keenan's ;-)
Also a wishlist item would be, at least for the main characters, if you gave a celebrity reference who you envision as each character to help with our Head Cannon cast list? Like Character_X - think of you Tom Cruise, and Character_Y - think of Scarlet Johansen? That may be too big of an ask, but it's a killer idea
A thing that _might_ be helpful: for each character, a link to the story page where we first "meet" them.
Also, I just noticed, I made a mistakein my previous comment on this page. I wrote "...pretty bad good search terms...", but what I meant was "...pretty bad search terms..."
I'm wondering if "Anonymous" meant _Kyle_ and Jennifer. I'm having a particular problem with my short-term memory right now, and those are the names I'm having a problem with on page 4 of chapter 27 ( )
I'm also wondering if there's some kind of way to search ALL the text of a particular story. "Kyle" or "Jennifer" would be pretty bad good search terms across the whole site, but the results would be much more manageable within a single story.